User Profile - WILK0_

Username WILK0_
ID 125917191
Level User (100)
Points 1043636 (Rank 44)
Messages sent 12021 (Rank 6227)
Last seen 2024-07-24 17:42:28.263746+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-06-15 17:12:31.708578+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 3 months and 27 days
Time spent in offline chat 12 days and 13 hours
Permabanned on snusbot No

Duel stats

Duels Total 13
Duels Won 6
Duels Lost 7
Winrate 46.15%
Profit from duels -2773 points
Last duel 2017-09-04 21:23:01+00:00
Longest Win Streak 2

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 1230001
Roulettes amount 24
Profit 890973
Winrate 58.33%
Biggest winstreak 7
Biggest losestreak 3
Biggest win 350892
Biggest loss -100000

Roulette history

Time Diff
2021-05-14 17:05:39.872619+00:00 100000
2021-05-14 17:05:28.257361+00:00 -50000
2021-05-14 17:04:49.804874+00:00 200000
2021-05-14 17:04:28.144110+00:00 -100000
2021-05-14 16:41:33.025350+00:00 100000
2020-06-12 14:39:27.800490+00:00 350892
2019-04-23 11:51:07+00:00 167876
2018-11-18 12:25:27+00:00 81468
2018-04-12 12:08:17+00:00 33384
2017-08-19 14:50:29+00:00 1000
2017-07-22 17:49:21+00:00 5476
2017-07-22 17:49:10+00:00 -8000
2017-07-22 17:48:57+00:00 -4000
2017-07-22 17:48:38+00:00 -2000
2017-07-22 17:48:11+00:00 4000
2017-07-22 17:47:36+00:00 -2000
2017-04-22 14:20:19+00:00 10830
2017-04-22 14:14:18+00:00 5410
2017-03-20 18:27:08+00:00 1
2016-12-02 08:11:55+00:00 -867
2016-11-07 19:17:04+00:00 150
2016-10-30 16:37:19+00:00 -1120
2016-10-02 20:51:05+00:00 -982
2016-08-26 20:41:08+00:00 -545